Many models, same data

Introduction Let’s talk about model selection! As a non-statistician, I find the process of choosing an appropriate statistical model to be slightly intimidating, even agonizing at times. In the hopes of demystifying this process for other non-statisticians, this post attempts to walk you through how Gina Nichols and I decided on the appropriate models and stats for an upcoming manuscript. Constructive feedback is always welcome. Gina and I are using data from this project.

Making tables with the R package gt

Overall notes about the R package gt: I like it! I’m still learning the syntax but it seems intuitive and user-friendly. Would recommend. It’s worth noting at the beginning of this post that the tables are rendered a little differently via blogdown than they would be if they were just knit into an html file. Therefore, please don’t view this page in dark mode…you won’t be able see half the table rows.


Project investigating pay disparities at Iowa State

Echinacea phenology

Research on the consistency of flowering phenology in a perennial plant

Vegetation in prairie strips

Masters thesis work on community ecology in agricultural landscapes

A prairie color palette

I’ve been inspired by other R packages that have created color palettes based on living organisms. Naturally I decided to try to make a color palette using prairie species. I want to note right away that I didn’t do anything fancy when choosing colors. I merely used the instant eyedropped tool to hover over different pixels in my photos and wrote down the hex codes. Obviously colors will vary based on lighting and shading.

Cover crops & Weeds

Investigation into the effects of cover crops on weed communities